
figma link : https://www.figma.com/file/hvxN8442woBKsW2Cw6zV7W/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1

demo link : https://gsg-g10.github.io/AhmedAboAbadi-Quiz-App/indexFile/index.html

User Stories:

  1. As a User, I want to be able to open the app page and see a brief description of the game and how to play.
  2. As a User, I should be able to check the leaderboard that contains the high score with the name of the players.
  3. As a User, I should have a button to start the game.
  4. The game should ask the player to enter his/her name.
  5. The game should give 10 random MC questions to the user with 4 options to each question(only one right answer).
  6. As a User, I want to have a button to move to the next question after answering the current question.
  7. The next question button should only appear/activate after answering the question.
  8. As a User, I should be able to see how many questions I still have to answer(2/10 meaning that I am on the second question).
  9. As a User, I should be able to see my score after finishing all of the questions.

Connect with me on Discord => Ahmad_ABO_Abadi#7234